Once upon a time . . .

in a world filled with chaotic schedules and overflowing to-do lists, a few passionate parents came together with a mission in mind. They had spent countless hours raising funds for their children’s athletic programs, and they knew there had to be a better way.

And so, Ferda Fundraisers was born. We understand the struggles that families face in juggling work, school, and extracurricular activities. We know that time is a precious commodity and are determined to make fundraising effortless for busy parents and administrators. That’s why we created a streamlined process that takes the stress out of running a campaign. All you need to do is provide us with the details of your fundraiser, and we will do the rest. Picture this: a customized website, tailor-made to showcase your association.

Imagine a unique link and a dynamic QR code that you can easily share with your friends, family, and supporters. Whether it’s through social media, emails, or good old-fashioned word of mouth, spreading the word has never been easier. Say goodbye to sifting through stacks of order forms or counting crumpled dollar bills (or worse – checks!) With Ferda Fundraisers, all orders are conveniently tracked and paid for online. But it doesn’t stop there. We understand that your supporters may extend far beyond your local borders, and we don’t want distance to be a barrier.

That’s why we offer shipping options, ensuring that your supporters from across the country can participate in your fundraising campaign and support your cause. And here’s the cherry on top – with Ferda Fundraisers, you can track your sales at any level. Keep up-to-date on your progress, see how close you are to reaching your goals, and celebrate each milestone along the way.

Whether you’re raising funds for new sports equipment, a team trip, or a community project, we’re here to support you every step of the way. So, whether you’re a busy parent, a dedicated administrator, or a passionate association leader, let Ferda Fundraisers be your trusted partner. With our effortless and innovative approach, fundraising has never been easier!

Join us today and let’s make fundraising a breeze!

Based in the Twin Cities… serving MN & the region

Contact: Kari Moser



  • Fundraising Programs