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SAINT PAUL BREWING | If These Bricks Could Talk…

The history of this property goes back to 1865 when Theodore Hamm started a little brewery that would someday reach the top five biggest breweries in the nation, ninety-some years later. What once was a horse stable, then a carpentry shop, is now a beautiful patio unlike any other around. Come see! Saint Paul Brewing […]

TROUPE AMERICA | A Mighty Fortress is Our Basement!

The Church Basement Ladies are returning to the Ames Center with A Mighty Fortress is Our Basement. Running September 6- November 12 and January 4-February 14, it’s 1960 and Beverly’s getting confirmed, Pastor’s getting married, Karin learns to drive and Vivian wins a blue ribbon. Don’t miss it! The Church Basement Ladies series began its […]

MINNESOTA ZOO | Jack O Lantern Spectacular Returns

Jack O Lantern Spectacular returns to the Minnesota Zoo from September 30 – November 4, 2023 with over 5,000 illuminated Jack O Lanterns on a winding pathway in the woods. Experience “Seasons of the Year”, this years theme! Jack-O-Lantern Spectacular returns bigger and better than ever at the Minnesota Zoo! Gather your family and friends […]


This is an annual event where we hang out at Coldwater Spring from sunrise to sunset and document all the birds we see and hear. It’s a great way to enjoy fall migration and learn more about native sparrows, thrushes, hawks and warblers. You can learn tips from other birders, help document what we see […]

SKYROCK FARM | Come for the Food, the Fun and the Magic in the Air!

As groups enter the Carousel Building, they usually stand wide eyed and open mouthed and forget to walk forward! After gathering their wits it takes a few minutes, and then… all the inner children come out to play! Come hungry, leave happy! It’s like dinner and a movie only much more fun! Owner Stacy Nunn […]

NORTHERN STAR SCOUTING | Adventure Awaits: Join Scouts Today

Serving all youth in the greater Twin Cities area through programs that build confidence and character through outdoor fun. Located by historic Fort Snelling, Northern Star Scouting gives youth, ages 5 through 21, experiences that foster creativity, wonder, and a sense of achievement. Through these experiences, youth build confidence, resilience, and character. The following elements […]