Planner Blog

AMERICAN SWEDISH INSTITUTE | Experience Nordic Culture at ASI!

If you’re resolved to find a place to spend time in 2024 that offers camaraderie, food, friends and new experiences, here’s a starting point! The American Swedish Institute museum and cultural center announces a winter-to-spring schedule of programs for every age and interest. The American Swedish Institute museum and cultural center has a schedule of programs for […]

SAINT PAUL BREWING | If These Bricks Could Talk…

The history of this property goes back to 1865 when Theodore Hamm started a little brewery that would someday reach the top five biggest breweries in the nation, ninety-some years later. What once was a horse stable, then a carpentry shop, is now a beautiful patio unlike any other around. Come see! Saint Paul Brewing […]

SKYROCK FARM | Come for the Food, the Fun and the Magic in the Air!

As groups enter the Carousel Building, they usually stand wide eyed and open mouthed and forget to walk forward! After gathering their wits it takes a few minutes, and then… all the inner children come out to play! Come hungry, leave happy! It’s like dinner and a movie only much more fun! Owner Stacy Nunn […]

AMAZING ENTERTAINMENT | Want Laughter? – We Bring it!

Your guests will enjoy our comedy and amazing entertainment. It’s Magical Fun for Everyone! Your guests will be seeing some funny things as they watch Mr. Norm’s Comedy and Magic stunts. It’s unique and first class fun. Your friends will be glad they came to your banquet, party or special event with the magical skills […]

CAN CAN WONDERLAND | Stroll Down Memory Lane

Can Can Wonderland has a wonderful collection of retro arcade machines from the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and 70s. Lots of pinball plus other arcade games from your youth that are just as enjoyable to play as an adult. Plus indoor mini golf! All within the former American Can Company factory— hence the name! $10 cover […]

DAZZLING DAVE NATIONAL YO-YO MASTER | Dazzling Dave’s Show is Perfect for ALL Generations!

Dave has performed all over the world, as well as his favorite spot, his home state of Minnesota. Dave is sure to delight and spark fond memories of this historical toy, still popular today. Dave has worked with Recreation Coordinators to tailor specific needs to their facilities such as nursing homes, assisted and senior living facilities. His show can […]