HISTORICAL EXPERIENCES | History Field Trip Comes to You!

We are the HISTORY FIELD & MUSEUM that comes to you. No long, noisy, bus rides. No admission fees to pay at the site. Instead we bring LIVING HISTORY experiences to your school along with the clothing, artifacts and hands-on materials of a museum. Call us today for a great experience.

Our lyceums are sure to spark anyone’s interest in history. Research shows that people learn twice as much when learning interactively than in a traditional setting. Accordingly, Historical Experiences makes use of this knowledge by giving audience members an active role to play in historical events. Our presentations align with state social studies standards and work toward students achieving those standards in an entertaining and engaging way.

The Presenter
Arn Kind has been an educator for over 40 years, both in the classroom, teaching grades 4 through 12 and through his presentations to young people and adults of all ages.

Arn’s unique performances are popular in a multitude of venues: from library and classroom seminars at elementary, middle and high schools to immersive lectures at the university level, as well as summer camps, historical reenactments and festivals.

So check out all of the topics that we can bring to your school. Many of our presentations will fit in with your curriculum, and your students will learn in a meaningful and memorable way. We look forward to coming to your school.