HISTORICAL EXPERIENCES | Minnesota Sailors – First to Fight!

Few people know that an hour before the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, launching America into World War II, Minnesota sailors, aboard the destroyer U.S.S. Ward, fired at, dropped depth charges on, and sunk a Japanese mini-sub that was attempting to enter the harbor. Exciting presentation!

Most of us know that America was launched into World War II after the Japanese attacked the naval and air bases at Pearl Harbor, but few know what happened an hour before Japan’s aerial attack. While patrolling the entrance to Pearl Harbor in the early morning hours of Dec. 7, 1941, the crew of the destroyer U.S.S. Ward spotted a submarine attempting to enter the harbor entrance. After hitting the sub with gun-fire, the crew of the Ward sunk the sub with depth-charges. Because almost every man-jack aboard the Ward were St. Paul Naval Reservists, we can rightfully claim that Minnesotans were the first Americans to fire a shot in the Pacific War of WWII.
Through drama and living history experiences, this entertaining presentation gives participants an understanding of this important event in the history of our state, our nation and the world. For more information or to schedule your presentation go to historicalexperiences.org