HISTORICAL EXPERIENCES | Minnesota’s Early Fur Trade History

An authentic FRENCH VOYAGEUR comes to your school to teach, first hand, about early exploration and the first business ever to take place in the state of Minnesota. Black Jacque will make Fur Trade History come alive for your students. They will be having so much fun, learning!

The French Voyageurs were among the first Europeans to explore and map what would become Minnesota. Minnesota’s colorful fur trade comes to life at your school when your students learn all about how the trade started, the transportation system of goods and furs, and the important cultures & people involved in the trade. Through hands-on interactive living-history activities, your students will role-play the parts of voyageurs and/or proud Dakota or Ojibwa people bartering with each other and manning the huge Montreal canoes that transported valuable cargoes of trade goods and furs. GREAT EDUCATIONAL FUN! Schedule your experience today by calling 507-381-0898 or register on-line at historicalexperiences.org