SNAPOLOGY | Flexible Private STEAM Events!

Whether you’re looking for a private holiday party, scouting event, birthday party or friend group outing, we’ve got lots of flexible options for open-ended or structured play!

Snapology’s Discovery Center has two 1,100 sq ft classrooms and a large creative play area just waiting for your group to create a special memory. Maybe you are looking for a place to have a holiday party for family and friends, or you have a scout troop and are trying to get through a robotics or STEAM badge, or maybe your kiddo’s friends need a place to keep connections going this winter when it gets too cold to be outside. Snapology has you covered with options for structured STEAM activities like robotics, engineering, tech programs and more, or more open-ended creative play time in our center. We’d love to help build a private event that’s just right for your group this year!